A Special Treat!
I finally introduced Peter to Herm!
A very quick visit to make up for me being away so long!
An early start to Gatwick – always a “tricky” journey on the Northern Line especially on a Sunday (there is always a problem on the Northern Line but Sundays can be even more tricky!)
Did not want to be late for the flight (old habits die hard!) I have always learned that “it’s bad manners to be late for a flight!
Peter had all his bits and pieces ready to purchase our
tickets. We were late into Airport from
the train.
We were met by a small lady devoid of a smile or any other
sign of friendliness! To be told we had
to pay £20.00 per person penalty for not having tickets – welcome to my
country! England ! What joy to be back from my beloved Mexico to the
stark world of Southern Rail and its encouraging attitude!
Last time I take that train and last time I ever advise a
client to do the same or anyone else for that matter! Go by road, go by coach, go by Virgin
Express. Just don’t travel
We literally fell into D’Nello’s for a super lunch. We then took the 4.30 p.m. ferry to my “other
paradise – beautiful, peaceful Herm.
Gorgeous sunshine, long walks along shell beach. Crackling fires in The White House Hotel –
Bliss. We met with some friends on way
back. Chris Roberts a Travel Counsellor
and a delightful lady from the Guernsey Skal.
Details of the International conference to be published
Now back to work.
What Joy – Can’t wait! Cathy