Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Herm - A Special Treat

A Special Treat!
I finally introduced Peter to Herm!

A very quick visit to make up for me being away so long!

An early start to Gatwick – always a “tricky” journey on the Northern Line especially on a Sunday (there is always a problem on the Northern Line but Sundays can be even more tricky!)

Victoria overflowing at the ticket desk.  Not many staff on duty – why?  Because it was a Sunday!

Did not want to be late for the flight (old habits die hard!)  I have always learned that “it’s bad manners to be late for a flight!

Peter had all his bits and pieces ready to purchase our tickets.  We were late into Airport from the train. 

We were met by a small lady devoid of a smile or any other sign of friendliness!  To be told we had to pay £20.00 per person penalty for not having tickets – welcome to my country!  England!  What joy to be back from my beloved Mexico to the stark world of Southern Rail and its encouraging attitude!

Last time I take that train and last time I ever advise a client to do the same or anyone else for that matter!  Go by road, go by coach, go by Virgin Express.  Just don’t travel Southern! 

Guernsey was a joy – could this be because it literally is another world!  Friendly people,  welcoming tourists.  No trains, no “military attitudes” Call it old fashioned but should we not be doing the same? 

We literally fell into D’Nello’s for a super lunch.  We then took the 4.30 p.m. ferry to my “other paradise – beautiful, peaceful Herm.

Gorgeous sunshine, long walks along shell beach.  Crackling fires in The White House Hotel – Bliss.  We met with some friends on way back.  Chris Roberts a Travel Counsellor and a delightful lady from the Guernsey Skal.

Details of the International conference to be published soon.

Now back to work.  What Joy – Can’t wait!  Cathy